The full vision of the Healthcare On-chain Patient Management System expands the MVP into a complete decentralized healthcare infrastructure that integrates appointment management, healthcare record handling, crypto payments, content creation and more. The goal is to create a decentralized healthcare ecosystem that emphasizes patient privacy, data transparency, secure doctor-patient interactions, and an additional content-sharing economy for healthcare professionals.
Health Trove is a comprehensive medical AI that tackles the world's healthcare disparities, providing life-saving diagnoses and vital medical support to even the most underserved communities. With over 1 billion people currently unable to afford or access healthcare services, the need for innovative solutions has never been more pressing as the disparities getting higher and higher.
Looking ahead to 2030, experts project a significant increase in the average age population, reaching approximately 70 years old , This demographic shift is poised to intensify the demand for healthcare services, rendering them increasingly unaffordable for many. Against this backdrop, the global health landscape faces mounting challenges, from the emergence of new diseases to the ravages of wars, viruses and environmental crises.
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